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Move to Canada




Donald Trump Monster
lady running from Trump
man fleeing from Trump

As the Canadian people rally support for a very real and serious humanitarian crisis in welcoming Syrian refugees, there is now another crisis looming.....

Just as real, but certainly less serious than your typical refugees or asylum seekers fleeing political, humanitarian or ideological oppression. We now brace for those fleeing President Donald Trump!

Indeed, the Trumpugees are coming!

Canada has served as a safe harbour to like minded Americans for many years, from the United Empire Loyalists, to the underground railway, to activists in the civil rights movement and more recently conscientious objectors to the Vietnam War. Canada has always welcomed our enlightened and forward thinking neighbours from the south. Once again we open our doors and offer our friends from the South to a place more rationally minded, socially inclusive and of course less politically insane.

Justin Trudeau
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