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Where is Canada?


Canada is located directly North of the United States, unless you’re in Hawaii…. or Alaska. Canada and The United States have many things in common, but the biggest thing would have to be the worlds longest border which spans 5,525 miles!

Canada is divided into 10 provinces and 3 territories a bit like the USA is divided into states, but different. People live in provinces and are governed to a degree by a provincial legislature, nobody lives in the territories except the odd polar bear or penguin, so there is no need for a local government.

Canada is officially the 2nd largest country in the world next to the USA. The largest country in the world next to the USA is Russia. It’s also a little known fact that Canada borders 13 of the 50 states in the Union, and that Toronto, Canada’s cultural and financial epicentre, is further South than Seattle, Washington… and Green Bay Wisconsin!

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